Wednesday, May 13, 2009


THE PLACE: New Vampyrsburg.

THE TIME: Dead o'clock.

It was a lovely day when it happened, not that the residents of this village could know much about that. The shine was shining, though no birds sang, for New Vampyrsburg was not the sort of place where any beauty that was not distinctly gothic could exist.

Evil Constable Darkslay walked the streets on his day patrol, keeping carefully in the shadows so as to not burst into horrible flames. He hated the day patrol so very much.

It wasn't too bad today though, and the citizens were always well behaved. No one wanted to fuck up their chances at living among their brethren in peace. Crimes were rare, though not...unheard...

Darkslay froze. Had he working lungs, he would have gasped.


A pile of necrotic dust, just sitting in the middle of the street! Next to the dust was a wooden stake. On the stake was a note. It said "FUCK VAMPIRS" in a sloppy, hasty script.

By the name of Dracula, there were humans here! At least one! And they had a vendetta, a truly horrible one. Darkslay turned into a magical sunbat and flew away to warn the mayor McLestat of this horror.



This time, you're hunting HUMANS!

Some of you have played before, many will be new. Here are the rules.

Sign up by sending me an @reply with the text #vampyrsburg in the body of the tweet. All posts will have this tag in order to keep things organized.

I will choose one at random to be the Slayer. That person needs to tell me who their partner is, and we will begin. This means there are two Slayers.

One vampire, the Dream Eater, will eat dreams. Since vampires don't dream, he/she can pick out the villagers easily. The Dream Eater will be chosen randomly; each game day they will send me a direct message on Twitter inquiring about someone, and I will inform them of either that person's vampire or Slayer status.

One of you will be His Redundancy, Count Alucard Dracula. Dracula is awesome and protects other vampires. He is like Van Helsing, but not, because Van Helsing sucks. Especially when you get to be Dracula. He (or she) will be randomly chosen and tell me via direct message who they want to protect from human attack that day/night.

Each evening, everyone will learn, via twitter and this blog (the blog is for my ridiculous write-ups) whether or not there was a staking, and who the unfortunate victim was. Then, they will accuse one of their own of being a filthy villager. The winner of the vote will have their sweet blood candies drained from them. They won't be turned though. They'll just die. Vote by tweeting @nameofyoursuspect to @deathwishjones with the tag #vampyrsburg.

I'm taking between 10-15 players, based on how fast it fills up.

Remember, mark all tweets relating to the game with #vampyrsburg. Feel free to write up any character shit in the comments here. Or obviously on Twitter, though that'd be a short character.

Only Isaac actually used the #vampyrsburg tag, but I'm not going to be a prick about it. Just everyone else, please, use it. I send too many retarded @replies.


I'll update the list as it grows.