Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In a world without a dramatic trailer voice

I was over at Slashfilm where I saw it reported that Voiceover Master Don LaFontaine Has Died at 68. I had never really heard of him, but apparently he was the over-dramatic deep voice on all those action movie trailers and Fox commercials. Complications from pneumonia, apparently. So that's two down from that cause this year, counting Bernie Mac. Bummer.

I see that they're rebooting the Superman films. I'm kind of disappointed; Superman Returns had a lot of flaws, but I genuinely liked it. It was just good old fashioned Superman, minus the whole bastard-child subplot. All the overwrought messianic imagery, the broadly portrayed Lex Luthor, Superman's big gay costume.

Apparently Mark Millar, the guy who wrote Wanted, is probably going to be writing this Superman. Again, Slashfilm has an article. I'm a little bit skeptical. From the (admittedly limited) amount of Mark Millar's work I've seen, he's got kind of a whole weird badass vibe happening that doesn't really fit with the Superman mythos. He's talking about making it something all the old fans will love while updating it for a modern audience.

I posit that this is not entirely possible.

Problem: Superman has a stupid fucking costume. I suppose if anyone read this blog I'd get a little slammed for that, but come on. I shouldn't have to elaborate on this: that outfit is beyond outdated. Actually, now that I think about it that raises a somewhat interesting point in my mind: with the exception of Batman, have any of the DC heroes really had much costume change over the years? Wonder Woman's wardrobe has been limited to unitards that show somewhat more cleavage sometimes, Aquaman and Flash have always looked the same, Green Lantern/Arrow, etc. How come the artists never saw fit to update the costumes that looked less god damned goofy as the years passed? Surely by the time ten years had passed someone had to have decided that Superman looked weird with underwear on the outside of a spandex full-body pantsuit or whatever the hell. And they could have updated the costume, made a big to-do about it, advertised it and all that, and it would have been fine. Now the character's like a national fucking treasure and if in this new trilogy they choose to 'update' the costume at all, there will be ridiculous fan outrage. And Superman has enough fans for it to make a difference. Funny that Batman has more fans, but they're free to change that costume all over the place without raising anyone's ire. They just have to remember that A) there is a cape and B) there are horns/ears.

That said, I'm actually pretty excited by what Millar is talking about. An epic trilogy, shot back to back! That could be very cool. He could cover some pretty major stories. Doomsday MUST be in the third one, cover the whole Death Of Superman thing, taking out all the bits that don't work. I guess Doomsday may be an obvious choice, but hey. It could be so kick ass.

I think I may start my movie blog today. Arik didn't like the name I chose, but critics be damned! I can do this shit.